On Android 13, disabling the SIM Slot that holds the eSIM.me Card,
will render the currently active eSIM profile unavailable!
If for any reason you must disable the SIM Slot that holds the eSIM.me Card,
first disable the active eSIM Profile in the eSIM.me APP and only then disable the SIM Slot.
From Android 11 and newer, Android assigns a CardID to every SIM card inserted in the phone and “remembers” what the setting of that SIM card was, including its status (Enabled/Disabled).
Android OS 13 can handle eSIM profiles. As eSIM Profiles are "digital" version of a SIM Card, they also get an CardID assigned.
So each eSIM profile gets its CardID, including its status.
When you (think to) disable a SIM Slot, what actually Android does is to set the status of that CardID to "disabled".
Unfortunately, Android is then unable to set the status back to "enabled" again. This is an Android BUG.
So it will remember it was disabled and you will not be able to access that CardID, eSIM Profile.
If you already disabled the SIM Slot while your desired eSIM Profile was enabled, you have the following options:
a) Reset your phone to factory settings, that will clear the “list” of the statuses of the CardIDs.
b) If your phone is rooted, you can follow this guideline a user created, to manually enable the SIM cards in the Android list:
Another option would be to install a new eSIM Profile, as the Android Bug does not affect the eSIM.me card itself, but only the single eSIM profile that was active the moment you disabled the SIM Slot.